In managing all activities in a project, your skills and knowledge of project management play an important role there. Then, are you have know definition of project management and all it’s benefits?

Even though you do not have an educational background in management, understanding what project management is important if you are working on projects in various industrial fields. Starting from construction, manufacturing, agribusiness, logistics, to maritime. This is because project management is useful for managing and mitigating all project risks that can occur to avoid problems in the future. So, good project management knowledge certainly has a big influence there, right?

Definition of Project Management

Definition of Management

According to Ricky W. Griffin, management is a process of planning, coordinating organization, and controlling resources so that goals are achieved effectively and efficiently. The meaning of the word effective here is defined as a state in which the goals are achieved according to plan, and the word efficient is defined as management activities that are carried out carefully, organized and on time. In general, management can be defined as an art in science and organization which consists of planning, building an organization and organizing it, to controlling and supervising.

Definition of Project

Project can be defined as a one-time activity that is limited by budget, schedule, and quality, (triple constraint). Unlike the general operational activities of the company, project activities have a special character that makes these two types of activities separate. The difference, among others, lies in the irregular nature of the project activities, the cycle is short, dynamic in nature, and consists of many jobs with fluctuating intensity.

So, the definition of project management is an effort to work on a project that is limited by budget, schedule, and quality with the aim of achieving the project efficiently and effectively. Enterprises’ workmanship on purpose above includes the process of planning, organizing, and controlling. 

Skills of project management are important to be managed. Through good project management, you can manage risks trial and error calmly and precisely, maximize the potential of members and teams, be able to sketch proper project planning, be smart in taking advantage of opportunities, and be able to maintain project integration in order to continue.

Example of project management

Still confused about how to describe an example of project management? Relax, consider 4 examples of project management fields along with the explanation below, let’s go!

  1. Construction projects: Examples are the construction of buildings, highways, toll roads, bridges, factories, transportation routes, and public facilities, etc.
  2. Manufacturing protection: An example is an activity of creating a new product or service starting from the design stage to production.
  3. Research projects: An example is the activity of developing or improving a product or service so that its quality is increased.
  4. Capital intensive projects: Examples are activities to procure or purchase a product or service, land acquisition, and so on.

8 Main Functions of Project Management

1. Scoping

The function of scoping is an activity that covers the boundaries of the realm of work that must be done in order for the project to be completed.

2. Planning

The function of planning is the activity of identifying the desired project objectives, reducing the chances of risk arising, anticipating work to be completed on time, and finally producing a mutually agreed product or service.

3. Estimating

The function of estimating is part of a form of project planning whose activities include quantitative estimates of project costs, the resources used, and the duration of project completion.

4. Scheduling

The function of scheduling is the activity of compiling a list of activities that includes the start and finish times of each job, the ideal completion duration, and the person in charge for each type of work. Effective scheduling is an important factor for good time management.

5. Organizing

The function of organizing is the activity of confirming or ensuring that all team members understand very well the roles and responsibilities of each and their relationship with you as the project manager.

6. Directing

The Function of directing is centered on the leadership style of a project. This Activity of directing includes instructing, coaching, and training team communication in order to achieve the project goals they have to achieve.

7. Controlling

The function of controlling is the activity of controlling all work that is taking place in a project so that it goes according to plan or does not deviate. The project manager will use a standard measurement matrix to monitor any ongoing activities. This function can be said to be the most difficult and important function because it determines the effectiveness and success of the project.

8. Closing

Finally, there is a function of closing. This function Is an activity of evaluation and assessment of the final results of projects that have ended.

That is the definition of project management, examples, and the various benefits of managing a project. Always update the latest information about project management here with, your project management solution!