Did you know what project management functions are? If you don’t know the answer, let’s get to know the main 8 of project management functions below!

8 Project Management Functions:

Here are the project management functions that is important for you to know:

1. Scoping

Scope is the process of defining what work is required. Also, you have to make sure all of that work, and only that work, is done.

2. Planning

Planning is the process of identifying desired goals, reducing risks, avoiding missed deadlines, ultimately delivering agreed outcomes in the form of a product or service.

3. Estimating

Estimating is a critical part of project planning which includes the estimated cost of the project in quantitative terms, the resources used, and the duration of project completion.

4. Scheduling

The scheduling function is the activity of compiling a list of activities with the start and finish times of each job in the project, ideal completion duration, and resources assigned to each activity. Effective project scheduling is a critical component of successful time management.

5. Organizing

The organizing function is an activity that confirms or ensures all team members understand well their roles and responsibilities, also the relationship with you as the project manager.

6. Directing

Directing is the most leadership-centered function of the five. It includes Instructing, guiding, supervising and influencing team to achieve the project goals. This is the area where goals and objectives for the whole group are set.

7. Controlling

The activity of this function includes controlling over the activities that take place in a project so that it goes according to plan or does not deviate. The project manager will use a standard measurement matrix for each ongoing activity. This function is arguably the most difficult and important function because it determines effectiveness and success of the project.

8. Closing

Finally, there is the closing function. This function is an evaluation and assessment activity of the final project results that have ended.

That’s the project management functions that are important for you to know. Find out more knowledge about project management here with your best project management application Tomps.id!

5 Phases of Project Management

That’s the project management functions that are important for you to know. Find out more knowledge about project management here with your best project management application Tomps.id!