Having a reliable project manager is the first step to a successful project. Even so, it turns out that there are still 5 key factors of project success that you also need to know. 

The project running smoothly and the main target is achieved, who doesn’t dream of this? Even so, project success cannot be achieved automatically without doing any careful calculations on factors that cover it. Starting from careful planning, attention to detail, effective communication, to detailed crisis management. Let’s discuss 5 key factors of project success that you should pay attention to below!

1. Smart Planning

Creating a comprehensive plan takes the project one step closer to success from the start. In this process, all stakeholders must be involved so that they always know which way the project is going. Good planning not only keeps the team focused on its duties and responsibilities, but also keeps stakeholders aware of the progress of the project.

There are many benefits to good planning. First, this process allows the creation of realistic project timescales. Second, this process can help estimate the amount of project costs used with more detailed project budget management documentation. Third, good planning from the start can help to break down all the resources the work unit needs as well as ‘warning system’. If there is a work unit that is not completed according to the deadline, this will be seen by that planning system.

2. Smart People

The other factor is the existence of smart and competent people on your project team. Without them, whatever plans and strategies you have worked on stand a chance of falling apart. Therefore, it is important to choose competent resources in the field that they are involved in. It is also important to ensure they are highly committed to team goals and share a vision and mission that is aligned towards project success.

Having an incompetent team resource will certainly make the project manager troublesome. The reason is, it will disrupt the synchronization of teamwork and drive the project to the brink of failure. So, make sure to choose resources who can be sure that they are competent in the work unit they carry and can work well together.

To manage this project planning to be more effective and efficient, you can use project management apps. Where, all project work, deadlines, the person in charge, and the real-time and transparent progress of the project from the field can be accessed together. Project managers and other stakeholders can more easily monitor projects and do report. You can feel the benefits of these smart features through the Tomps project management apps. Try it free now!

3. Open Communication

Maintaining open communication within the team is very influential on project success. This is because communication is the best way to prevent problems from occurring. It is important to provide information as clearly as possible to the team when there are changes that occur during the project, as well as related to the work unit that they have to handle since the pre-execution stage.

Good communication also includes knowing when to say ‘no’. The team must not promise anything that they themselves do not know if it can be fulfilled. Saying ‘no’ at an early stage can reduce the chance of unnecessary problems arising when the project is executed. Learn to be honest about what you and your team can do and when it can be done.

4. Risk Management

Performing risk management carefully is also mandatory for project managers. In the planning stage, the project manager must ensure that he has made details of the risks that may be faced and the solutions during the project executing stage to the closing stage. This will help you and your team to quickly solve and manage problems according to what was calculated in the risk management stage. This will give the team confidence in resolving project risks and ensure the project owner feels safe and comfortable with the progress of their project.

5. Strong Project Closure

Did you know that a weak project closure can potentially waste project resources?

Therefore, you must firmly with the client to agree that all the critical success factors that have been agreed upon at the planning stage have indeed been fulfilled. Confirm to the client regarding the project results through a signed written document. Making satisfaction survey documentation on the results of your project from the client will also be very useful as well as a reference and valuable information for you in the future.

Indeed, it is the project manager’s job to ensure that the project under his wing runs smoothly. However, having a great project manager is not the only indicator that guarantees project success. It takes the whole team’s intervention to help lead the project towards success. Later, this success in the future will lead to a more organized and pro-active project plan, as well as improving the quality of various other projects in the future.

Those are the 5 key factors for project success that you should pay attention to from the planning stage to the closing stage. Don’t let your ignorance of these factors causes project results to be not optimal until failure in the project.

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