“What is the importance of using project management software?”, “Using project management software is just a waste of budget”, have you ever heard or even commented like this about project management software? We hope not, because there are many benefits of project management software that you have to know!

Until now, maybe there are still many companies that are project movers not yet recognize about benefit of project management software. They still rely on traditional methods that require a lot of human resources to operationalize their projects. Presentation of project data through printed documents and spreadsheet devices is still mostly chosen because it is considered cheaper and more efficient. But do you know, the fact is that project management software comes with short and long term benefits in streamlining project budgets, not the other way around.

Unlike online spreadsheets that are not specific, project management software is superior because it is designed for operational needs and real-time project mobility. So, what are the other important benefits of project management software? Check out the reviews below!

7 Big Benefits of Project Management Software

1. Improved Planning and Scheduling

Project planning and scheduling are some of the most important aspects of project management, and it is made easier with project management software. The reason is that a project management software system will make it easier to plan and schedule a project work unit. In addition, work such as allocating resources, recording deadlines, and recording work unit completion can be completed in a short time. All of this can happen because project management software provides compatible features and suits your project's operational needs.

2. Team Collaboration Becomes Better

A project certainly consists of many members of the department who handle different work units. Because they have their respective responsibilities and activities, sometimes it’s difficult to gather all team members in a meeting. Unfortunately, this problem consciously or not can result in disruption of team communication and thus wasted project resources.

From this problem, project management software offers convenience in improving team communication so that collaboration can be better in an easy way. Through project management software, team members can easily access work schedules, progress status, and respond to revisions and identify problems in work units only on the screen of the device. In addition, the notification feature, which is useful for warning deadlines and errors in projects, will certainly be very useful in improving work quality. This can be accessed easily without having to adjust the face-to-face meeting schedule which is often complicated.

3. Easier Document Access Via Integrated Cloud

Speaking of projects, you will definitely not be separated from the shadow of the mountain of report documents. Not to mention the various problems that arise from this printed document, such as lost, scattered, damaged, to repeated printing. Just imagining it seems complicated and wasteful on budget, right?

However, this will not happen if you take advantage of project management software. With an online integrated cloud system, you no longer need to print hundreds of confusing project documents. Stakeholders and team members can also access project documents more easily without having to fear being lost and scattered. Anywhere and anytime in just one click!

4. Monitoring Budget Management in Real-Time

Chrone said, 85% of projects experienced a budget overrun from the initial planning or cost overrun. However, through the features provided by the right project management software, the risk of cost overrun can be minimized. This is because project management software can make project managers and stakeholders monitor and approve budget management in real-time. Several indicators that spend the budget, such as transportation, printing repetitive documents, and the amount of labor used can be 100% efficient by project management software. Sounds fun, right?

5. Efficient and Productive Remote Working

During a pandemic, doing remote work seems to have become a common thing, even a mandatory one that must be adjusted. However, an inefficient remote working system, especially in the realm of construction projects, can slow down projects and waste budgets. This is where the role of project management software is needed. Through the various features it provides, project management software can help team members take responsibility for their work even when working from home. Project managers can more easily monitor their work in real-time to maintain the flow of project completion only from the screen of the device.

6. Delegate Tasks Easily

Another benefit of project management software is the ease of delegating the tasks of members and teams. Previously, the problem that often arose in projects was ambiguity in ensuring that the member jobs were frequently changing or unbalanced. It could be too much, or too little of the project needs. Through project management software, project managers can more easily manage the distribution of tasks for members. In addition, members will no longer be confused in knowing what their current and next work are and the completion deadline.

7. Productivity and Project Completion Acceleration Increased

Of all the benefits outlined above, the main advantage of project management software then boils down to this point: increased productivity and project completion. This can happen because all the details of the work unit and the project progress reports are easier to access. The flow of decisions on errors, revisions, and crises can be done more quickly. If you have this, are you sure not to switch to project management software now?

Find more insights about project management here with Tomps.id!